Home delivery of the puppy

We are authorized by ASL to deliver your puppy straight to you home

Home delivery of the puppy

Casa Falcone farm offers you a great opportunity: puppy’s home delivery.

Every puppy that leaves us is a part of our life that we let go: the care, the attention, and the passion we have devoted to them since before they were born, are fully repaid when, once grown up, they become the specimens that contribute to improve the reputation of our breeding.

If the buyer lives far away, our staff can arrange the puppy’s home delivery.

This service is available for future buyers, who live far away from our farm in Alvignano (province of Caserta) or have no time.

Home delivery ensures that the puppy travels in the most comfortable and relaxing way.

The owner of the farm himself or a family member looks after the puppy during the journey and, once delivered, advise the future owners on the first care and behavior to be adopted with the newcomer.

We deliver throughout Italy and recently in Sicily and Sardinia as well, which is a great satisfaction for us, as our puppies are being increasingly appreciated.

The puppies never leave the farm before the 60th day of age; they are already provided with a microchip and a health card, certifying the vaccinations and the deworming treatment, as well as a health certificate issued by the veterinary surgery that follows the farm.

All Casa Falcone German Shepherd puppies are born from parents free from hip and elbow dysplasia and are provided with an ENCI / FCI pedigree that certifies their genealogy.

Casa Falcone FCI Kennel

Via Briccio, 27 – 81012 Alvignano (CE)

Michele Falcone: +39 329 64 59 924

Home delivery of the puppy

Request information

If you would like more information about the next German Shepherd litters, please contact us at +39 329 64 59 924, we will be happy to clarify any doubts you may have!

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Volevamo un cucciolo di pastore tedesco e dopo un giro sui social e scambi di email tra diversi allevamenti ho scelto Casa Falcone. Gentilissimi, pronti a rispondere e a chiarire ogni dubbio … la mia cucciola è meravigliosa non potevo chiedere di meglio!! L’unica cosa mi avrebbe fatto piacere vedere l’allevamento dove crescono questi cuccioli ! Sarà per la prossima!!

Ormai 4 mesi fa è arrivata a casa la piccola (ormai non tanto piccola ) Aida e ha riempito casa con tanto amore. L’allevamento Falcone mi è stato vicino soprattutto nel primo periodo con consigli preziosi e tanta premura. Lo consiglio caldamente a tutti.

Consiglio vivamente l’allevamento Falcone persone gentilissime e disponibili ho preso un cucciolo peloso meraviglioso di nome Aron. Allevamento serio e professionale lo consiglio vivamente….in questo momento mi sono stati molto vicini dopo la perdita del mio cagnone Herman